I've become the woman I've always hated. I am excited to decorate for every holiday... yes, I hated women like me in the past. Owen loves having decorations up and so I want to do it for him. For Valentine's day I made a banner of hearts. I wanted to do the same thing for St. Patrick's day, and this time I remembered to take photos so I can do a "how to"! It's really not hard, but here we go!
I searched for "clover", "horseshoe", and "pot of gold" online in images.
I printed out 8 of the clover and horseshoe's and 2 of the pots of gold.

I found this "Best O' Luck" sign at the dollar store and I knew I wanted to put it in the center of my banner.

Next, I cut out the images and laid them in a pattern on my ribbon.

I glued each one to the ribbon and let it dry... this is my favorite glue. It's great for these kinds of projects, and for
modge podging.

I tied each end to my hooks, and it was too long...
woops! So, I just put another hook up in the middle and it looked great! Here it is!

Thanks to
Eighteen 25 for yet another great subway art print!

and to The Crafting Chicks where I got this "Lucky" print. Click
here to get one for yourself!
I also mounted it onto a piece of foam board... and now I'm the proud owner of an X-
acto knife! I feel like a real
crafter now

I flipping love the dollar store... I got these window clings there and now they're all over my house... including the downstairs bathroom!