Thursday, September 17, 2009

Thankful Thursday

I saw this on a blog... I thought it was probably a good thing to do. As much as I've gone through and so many of my loved ones have gone through, it's easy to lose sight of the blessings in life. So, I'm going to try to do this once a week (keep in mind that I'll be trying, I'm not so great at blogging these days!) So here goes!

1. Derek: I'm so thankful for him! He works so hard and is always in such a great mood. He knows just when to do something for me like doing the dishes, or bringing home a treat for me. He also is so amazing with Owen. They have such a bond, always going fishing and wanting to go camping... He was my rock through our miscarriage and now that I know 22 girls who are pregnant, he's just so understanding... I love him!

2. Owen: I'm not quite sure what I'd be doing if I hadn't gotten pregnant with him. He can make my day with one little comment... his new cute phrase is "Mommy, I made something special for you!" I love it!!!

3. The YMCA: It gets me in the mood to get in shape, when I go that is... I'm thankful it's there though!

4. Naps: Not only do I love Owen's nap time when I can do things like blog, watch dvr'd shows and eat my favorite things without little hands in it, but I do love to take naps too! We all took a nap on Monday... for 2 1/2 hours! Ahhh... Pure BLISS!

5. Cleaning supplies: What would I do without them?! I'm often picked on or criticized because I clean too much. But, I'd rather have a clean house. There is so much to choose from... sprays, wipes, sponges, brushes... and they always make things look better haha! (feel free to call me crazy... i know I am!)

What are you thankful for??

1 comment:

Brittany said...

Good post, and great idea! I may have to copy you... get better about blogging, cause I love to read it. How did the wedding go?