Thursday, August 20, 2009

no pictures. just thoughts.

Have you ever wanted something so badly you can pretty much taste it? Well, that's me right now... after having the miscarriage I wasn't sure if I wanted to try to get pregnant right away or not. Now that it's been 2 months I'm just itching to have another baby. We have the "go-ahead" next month... finally! It feels like it's been forever... I know of 18 girls who are pregnant right now... 18!!!! That's an insane number! To top it all off, I've been going through our garage to prepare for a yard sale this weekend. I've found all of Owen's old clothes, bottles, blankets and toys. I also found his old diaper bag... with a bag full of little unused newborn diapers. Those things are tiny!!! It's weird to think that almost 3 years ago he fit into those teeny things! I showed them to Derek and we both were kinda sad cause the years have rolled on by. I thought I'd remember so much, but I really forgot a lot. I'm looking forward to another baby, whenever God decides to bless us with one!


kathy said...

When the time is'll happen. I know its tough when you know 18 girls expecting; that number is amazing! Thankfully you have a beautiful little boy =)

Stepheni said...

Not to take away from the seriousness from this post... But how in the heck do you know 18 friends that are pregnant? I don't think I even have that many girl friends!! :)
Your time is coming very soon and I am so excited for the next Little Mason Baby to grow up with the next Lil Patsey Baby and be best friends!! It's how we roll!!

I love you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!